Mónica’s Shoot

Today is Panama’s Independence Day. In honor to that, we are gonna look over one of our Folkloric Costumes, “La Pollera”.  I’m gonna upload a lil shoot I did to one of my bestfriends, actually she’s more like a sister.

Mónica wanted to be dressed up with a Pollera. It happens that we have, as a matter of fact it belongs to my sister but I wear it now and then, a Black Gala Zurcida, the one you’re about to see. So I talked to Mom and she agreed to dressed her up. So here it is, Mónica in a Pollera de Gala. Imma be explaining our costume a lil bit, just in case you don’t know what you’re suppose to look at. 🙂

Here it is, La Pollera de Gala. What we have here is a Zurcida, it means that The Pollera is hand sewn in linen cloth and then gently swooped to lace-like patterns.
It’s usually made in one color, but lately girls prefer to have more than 3 colors in it. I feel that two colors are more than great but three is like too much, I think they end up resembling other countries’ folkloric costume, and to be honest I don’t like that idea. No way Imma be wearing all these heavy stuff in my head and body to look like other country! Sorry I’m babbling… Anyways…

The white pearls in her head are called “Tembleques”.
The bunch of purple cotton strings in the pollera is called “Enjaretado” it surrounds the upper part of the pollera. The purple cotton ball is called “La Mota” there are two, one in the front and one in the back.
All the Jewelry is made of gold.

The black ribbon around her neck is the “Tapahueso” it literally means bone shield. Sometimes they’re made of gold with pearls or you could just wear a black ribbon with a beautiful pendant.
The purple ribbons on the lower front part are called “Gallos” or “Galletes”.

Here is Mónica looking as gorgeous as always!
And in case you didn’t notice, you must always, always,
while wearing the Panamanian Pollera!

Good Morning and Happy Independence Day!


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